Vacuum units
Modular vacuum units
• Vacuum storage unit and liquid separator
are integrated - an additional liquid separatoris not required
• Space saving assembly of all components
• See-through unit for liquid separator and
vacuum storage unit all in one means safety ”at a glance“
• Different storage volumes possible simply by changing acrylic glass cylinder
• Integrated air filter, drain separator, overvoltage relay, pressure difference switch
• Available with different pump types from
10m3 to 100m3, on request also available with dry running pumps
Supply includes
1 pce connection unit comprising:
3m vacuum hose
3/2 way aerated valve
1 vacuummeter
Modular vacuum unit
230/400 V working voltage
Nr. m3/h Volt Hz End press. Kw RPM DB Oil A B C D
80172 10 230 50 20 mbar 0,37 1350 1⁄min 60 0,3l ø320 360 650 460 32,5
80173 10 400 50 20 mbar 0,37 1350 1⁄min 60 0,3l ø320 360 650 460 32,5
82147 16 230 50 20 mbar 0,55 2650 1⁄min 60 0,3l ø320 360 620 460 30,5
82146 16 400 50 20 mbar 0,55 2650 1⁄min 60 0,3l ø320 360 620 460 30,5
80174 20 230 50 20 mbar 0,75 2720 1⁄min 62 0,5l ø320 420 620 460 33,5
80175 20 400 50 20 mbar 0,75 2720 1⁄min 62 0,5l ø320 420 620 460 33,5
All vacuum pumps can be used with 60 Hz
Preference item:
Articles with green diamond
are available ex stock!