Vacuum grease
Used from time to time for the following:
Greasing suction hose
Sealing off workpieces with rough
or scored surface
Vacuum gauges
O-shaped seal
i Tolerance class:
DIN ISO 3302-1 Tab. 2. Class E3
Nr. Description Inhalt
80140 Grease 250g 350
Connection- Dia- Range
Nr. thread meter
80103 G1/8“ axial ø40 0 to -1 bar 40
80100 G1/8“ radial ø40 0 to -1 bar 40
Axial connection
Radial connection
Nr. Diameter
00188 ø 2,0mm
00069 ø 3,0mm
00170 ø 3,5mm
00070 ø 4,0mm
00157 ø 4,5mm
00071 ø 5,0mm
Nr. Diameter
00171 ø 5,5mm
00072 ø 6,0mm
00172 ø 6,5mm
00073 ø 7,0mm
00251 ø 8,0mm
00316 ø 10,0mm
Used for sealing grid chucks or defining active vacuum
areas. This high quality seal is placed into the slot of a
grid type vacuum chuck.
The seal diameter is dependant on the cross section of
the slot. If a plate is milled over then a seal with a
smaller diameter will be required.
Minimum order quantity 50m/per diameter.
Preference item:
Articles with green diamond
are available ex stock!