Alufix parts library for CAD systems
Fixmes is an Alufix parts library on a geometric basis for designing
and documenting fixtures. Using Alufix standard elements
fixtures can be built in a fraction of the time required
previously. By designing the fixture on-screen expensive idletimes
of the measuring machine are avoided.
The principle:
at the CAD workplace the user designs a desired fixture for
workpiece machining or measuring using Alufix components.
To do so he can use all parts available in the Fixmes library..
The selection is made according to one
of the following features:
Item No.
The parts of the fixture can be displayed as a wire model or
solid. For a clearer image and an increase in speed individual
planes or elements (holes) can be excluded. A printout of the
finished fixture includes a parts list.
The advantages:
Shorter design times
Better prolonged use of
measuring machine
Timely preparation of fixture
Documentation for later
repeat assembly of fixture
Short term changes can be
carried out quickly
No training necessary,
CATIA or AutoCAD functions are utilised
Also for off-line programming
83677 Fixmes Library for Catia V5
Elements of Alufix modular fixturing system are stored
as *catpart and *.catproduct files.
In addition a CATIA catalogue with parameterized parts is
available on request. Elements can be selected according to
different criteria such as item number, description or
92562 Fixmes Library for NX
Alufix elements stored with attachment *.prt
83676 Fixmes Library for AutoCAD
Alufix elements stored with attachment *.dwg
82157 Fixmes Library IGES Format
Alufix elements stored with attachment *.igs
82662 Fixmes Library STEP Format
Alufix elements stored with attachment *.stp.
In addition we also offer a download service from internet
under: www.partserver.de
After registration Alufix components can be downloaded free
of charge in all native or universal formats under this address.